Historical place of Dakshainkali Nepal

In Nepal everyone knows that where the Ratna-Park is.To know Dakshainkali everybody have to know where Ratna-park is located.Ratna-park is located in the middle part of the Kathmandu City nearby Thamel,Sundhara,Ghantaghar.There is one old Bus-park.From the Bus-park there goes one bus named Dakshainkali Yatayat.We have to take that bus. Visit this famous temple once.


In Nepal everyone knows that where the Ratna-Park is.To know Dakshainkali everybody have to know where Ratna-park is located.Ratna-park is located in the middle part of the Kathmandu City nearby Thamel,Sundhara,Ghantaghar.There is one old Bus-park.From the Bus-park there goes one bus named Dakshainkali Yatayat.We have to take that bus.

By viewing many hills, rivers, places & real nature.after 2hrs we can reach the Famous place Dakshainkali.This temple is surrounded by hills & forests. In Nepal everyone knows that where the Ratna-Park is.To know Dakshainkali everybody have to know where Ratna-park is located.Ratna-park is located in the middle part of the Kathmandu City nearby Thamel,Sundhara,Ghantaghar.There is one old Bus-park.From the Bus-park there goes one bus named Dakshainkali Yatayat.We have to take that bus.

By viewing many hills, rivers, places & real nature.after 2hrs we can reach the Famous place Dakshainkali.This temple is surrounded by hills & forests.